Starting a conversation
- To start a new conversation in your channel, select “Start a new conversation. Type @ to mention someone”.
- Enter a message then click on the send icon (Right-facing arrow) or press enter to post the message.
- Posts to a channel can be replied to - Select Reply then enter a message and press the enter key to send
Channel Mentions - Typing “@” followed by someone’s name you will be directing your comment towards a single person, who will immediately receive a notification that you have mentioned them.
Threads - Always use the reply feature when commenting on a specific post, to keep all related messages within a single thread. If replying using "Start a new conversation.." then messages can become unordered and make it difficult to keep up with the conversation.
Viewing Replies - To view the replies on a thread, select “# replies from..”, which is positioned underneath the conversation that started the thread.
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