To install Microsoft Teams on a macOS device, follow the below instructions - first follow the steps required for your preferred internet browser.
- From the home screen open Chrome
- In the navigation bar enter and then press enter
- Select Download Teams
- Once the download has completed open the downloaded file, e.g Teams_osx.pkg (bottom left of screen)
- Move on to the Finish install and Launch Teams instructions below.
- From the home screen open Safari
- In the navigation bar enter and then press enter
- Select Download Teams
- Select Allow
- Select Downloads (bottom right of screen)
- Select Teams_osx.pkg
- Move on to the Finish install and Launch Teams instructions below.
Finish install and Launch Teams
- Select Continue
- Select Install
- Enter your computer password, then select Install Software
- Select Close
- Select Move to Bin
- Select Finder (bottom left of screen)
- Select Applications, then select Microsoft Teams
- Enter your work email address, the select Sign in
- Enter your email password, then select Sign In
- If you do not have Multi-Factor authentication setup, go to next step. If you have Multi-Factor authentication setup, you will be prompted to Approve the sign in request.
- Depending on how you have set this up, you will be prompted to approve via;
- Microsoft Authenticator App - On the device where you have the app installed a prompt will appear. Select Approve
- Text Message - Enter the code that was sent to your registered mobile
- Phone call - Answer the call on your phone, press the # key to approve the sign in, then end the call.
- Microsoft Authenticator App - On the device where you have the app installed a prompt will appear. Select Approve
- Having issues with Multi-Factor Authentication? - see our help section here
- Depending on how you have set this up, you will be prompted to approve via;
- Select the X to close the prompt or Next to read through each prompt.
- Congratulations! - You have now installed Microsoft Teams
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